April 27-28th, 2024
Judge: Joe Parks
Decoys: Jeff Allen (senior), Davis MacLeod, Isaac Santana, James Dulm, Blaire Lowe
$100 for all levels

1687 Reed Road Bergen, NY 14416

Name of Person who should be contacted if someone needs more information:
Megan Goodwine

E-mail address of person who should be contacted if someone needs more information.

Phone Number of person who should be contacted if someone needs more information.
(585) 8570119

Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/share/2HhCckan3sDttH5X/?mibextid=9l3rBW

Registration Form: https://form.jotform.com/240143573084149

Hotel Info:
blocked room rates under “Blumenstadt Canine”, dog friendly & 7 minutes from trial field
Hampton Inn Brockport
4873 Lake Rd S
Brockport, NY  14420
United States

April 28 @ 08:00
8:00 am — 9:00 am (1h)

East Region

Joe Parks